Monday, 10 September 2007

SA companies follow suite on “unutilized resources”

It is only justifiable to blame employees in organizations if they do not utilize the resources and opportunities provided by their employers to advance their careers. But if employees are not considered to exist by their employers then it’s something else.

According to research conducted by Deloitte and the Economist Intelligent Unit, “The Aligned at the Top” – only 23 % of the respondents believe that HR currently plays an important role in their strategic implementation and operating results. This is an indication that HR is not fully consulted when taking strategic decision.

Finweek (12 July 2007) reported that De Beer said that:
a very large percentage of executives felt that the company’s HR department
didn’t have the necessary business insight to make strategic initiatives –
such as leadership, talent management and the creating of a high-percentage
culture-possible. HR is often not mentioned by senior executives when discussing
people issues and is said to be more concerned with things like benefits and
performance assessment. “Other significant figures are that 63 % of executive
seldom, if ever, consult their HR team on mergers and acquisitions”

While abroad, a survey conducted by Personnel Today’s sister publication IRS Employment Review revealed that 72 % of respondents said that they had no formal process for reviewing company’s performance against strategic plans. About 88 % of HR managers said that the company strategy was developed by the board of directors and half (47 %) said it was determined by senior management.

One then could ask: for how long with this “trend of” unutilized resources continue?

South African companies should utilize these resources in order for them not to lose them to other countries like the UK and America.

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