Monday, 10 September 2007

Reasons why Radio listenership’s declining in South Africa

Depending on which part of the country one live – it is clear that radio listenership has been declining.

Different people listen to different radio stations for different reasons and at different time too. The radio content also has an enormous effect on what kinds of listeners it wants to attract and or is able to retain.

Having grown up in the northern part of North West Province, Motsweding FM was the radio station I would listen to and that has changed due to relocation.

According to Radio Audience Measurement Survey (RAMS), the average person listener spends 32 hours 24 minutes with the radio on during a typical week, and on a daily basis it’s four hours 25 minutes.

Personally, it’s been almost two years since I have been a favourite or somewhat loyal listener of SA FM mainly because of its in-depth analysis and its content. This however, does not change the fact that Motsweding FM ranked the 5th on the “Radio Listenership List” with 2.84 million audiences in August 2007 compared to SA FM’s 0.54 audiences in the same year according to South African Advertising Research Foundation.

Migration, the environment and intellectual maturity have an enormous impact on the incline or decline of radio listenership.

It is therefore up to the station managers to really know and understand their market, taking into account that as time changes then so does a consumer’s taste and needs especially when it comes to listenership and radio content.

Knowing this will enable them (station manager especially marketing department) how they should go about determining their market share, retaining and increasing it.

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