Thursday, 26 November 2009

'Terms and Conditions' apply on Facebook Firenship

Below is a response to a friend request on Facebook on someone without a picture profile:

Hi. Thanx for checking my blog.

However, unfortunately I have decided not to accept friends without pictures of their own which I am sure you would understand, if not think of.

Profile picture may be the same or look similar to those that will appear on ur picture content.

Only once this term and condition has been met can I then review my decision in accepting our friendship. Hope you understand and consider the proposal.

I can assure you that others have been declined without any reason whatsoever, and you are very fortunate that I have replied to you request.

Given your interest in South Africa, I must confess however that I am tempted in accepting your request as we seem to be having the same interest and even meeting in the near future to hear your views about the country.

More than this, you are also welcome to share your ideas by either commenting on any subject on or contributing articles to the blog. Hope this finds your way, thank you.

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